Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to avoid passwords expiring in PeopleSoft

One of the more often customer requirements regarding security is to implement password expiration. PeopleSoft provides this functionality using the Password Controls component under: 

PeopleTools > Security > Password Configuration > Password Controls 

This component provides the alternative to enable or disable password expiration controls for all users. Now, what happens if we want a certain user's password to never expire? 

There are plenty of situations where we might want this to happen, for instance: 

* The password for the user set in the Process Scheduler or Application Server configuration should not expire or otherwise the system may not work. 
* Same happens with if a user is set as a Guest in a Web Profile. 
* Also, you may want to disable password expiration for PTWEBSERVER, the user set by default to let the Web Server recover Web Profiles from PeopleSoft environment. 

Unfortunately, PeopleSoft does not provide the ability of disabling password expiration for a given user. Good news are that it is quite easy to do by setting the last password change date to a future date using the following SQL sentence: 

set LASTPSWDCHANGE = '2050-01-01' 

Two tier architecture and Three tier architecture

Difference between Two tier architecture and Three tier architecture?

a. 1 tier application: All the processing is done on one machines and numbr of clients are attached to this machine (mainframe applications)
b. 2 tier application: Clients and data base on different machines.Clinets are thich clinets i.e. processing is done at client side.Application layer is on Clients.
c. 3 tier application. Client are partially thick.Apart from that there are two more layers application layer and database layer.
d. 4 tier application: Some clients may be totally non thick clients some cliints may be partally thick and further there are 3 layers web layer, application layer and database layer.

Alternative to SendMail Function

Alternative to SendMail Function : PT_MCF_MAIL 

You can use Application package PT_MCF_MAIL (PeopleTools 8.46 or higher only) to generate emails instead of using SendMail peoplecode function.

Go to the PeopleBooks to get the complete description.

Home > PeopleBooks > Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference > Mail Classes

Go to Mail Classed Example section to see How to use these classes. Following examples are provided.
Creating Text Email
Creating Email and Overriding SMTP Settings
Creating HTML Email
Creating Multi-Part Email With Both Text and HTML Parts
Creating HTML Email with Images
Creating Email with Attachments
Creating Email Attachments Specifying a URL
Creating Multiple Emails
Authenticating Email While Sending

Structured Code
Can generate HTML Email
Can override Default SMTP Parameters
Better Error Handling
Send emails return receipt request (email reception notification)
Ability to set Message priority


Rich emails using SendMail()


  You might not be able to use GetHTMLText in Application Engine program run using process scheduler or in 2 tier mode, as this function does not support bind variables in 2 tier mode. PeopleBooks list the following constraints for this function.

Restrictions on Use

Use this function with the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. If run from a 2 tier environment, the parameter substitution does not take place.